Friday, January 22, 2010

How can you make your hair crimpy without a crimper or french braiding?

i want my hair crimpy but not by french braids or a crimper help please!How can you make your hair crimpy without a crimper or french braiding?
buy some hair mousse and flip ur head upside down (while it's damp, not too wet) rub the mousse on ur hands and start scrunching ur hair, afterwords add some hairspray to keep the curls tight, it looks awesome when finished :]How can you make your hair crimpy without a crimper or french braiding?
Large braids in the hair will give you a wavy look.

On the other hand, if you put like 5 small braids in each side of your hair while it's damp, then you can create a ';crimpy'; look.

Remember not to braid too small or else the hair looks frizzy.

You can regular braid not french braid :]

Besides an iron or braiding there is no other way but I just wanted to show you these tips. It's not a huge hassle I hope...
you can use a curling iron to make more jagged-type curls. they're really cute. you can use the method of curling where you put the curling iron at the base of the scalp and wrap the hair around it that way. use a smaller iron.
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Get some mouse and take small sections of your hair and bunch it up while squeezing. It takes practice but it looks great either way.
i dont know any other way. i supose if you wanted it like that permanetly you could get a perm.
wet it and individually braid it
Crimping looks bad anyways, so why would you want it?

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